Early pregnancy really forces you to reconsider your views of various bodily fluids, doesnt it? Things that totally grossed you out before your positive pregnancy test nor become normal, and turn into signs that tell you how your pregnancy is going. Once such sign is light spotting, something that is not at all uncommon in the first trimester. But what if you only observe light spotting after a bowel movement? What does this mean?

Women who have noticed light spotting after a visit to the rest room might be frightened, and wonder if the blood they saw means that they are having a miscarriage. Yet, spotting after a bowel movement is not something that you would consult just anyone about, is it? If you are worried, you would be completely justified in seeing your doctor about spotting after a bowel movement, but we are also here to help you.

Most OBs would tell you the same thing about pregnancy spotting that I am about to say to you. Bowel movements can sometimes cause us to push, bear down, or whatever you want to call it. On occasion, it can happen that this physical reaction leads your uterus to be squeezed, and old blood makes its way out because of this. Nearly every woman has some old blood inside her uterus when she gets pregnant. Some women notice spontaneous spotting, while others spot after a bowel movement. If the color of your spotting is dark brown to black, and you have no other symptoms, you do not need to press the panic button just yet.

Just remember that your body has an amazing way of taking care of many things, and that spotting is just the beginning of this! Have you got any stories about early pregnancy spotting to share with us? I have no doubt that youd be helping out someone who is currently pregnant, and wants extra reassurance that everything is OK.